Iasis MCN:
At ReThink, we use Iasis Microcurrent Neurofeedback Therapy. This is a gentle, safe, and natural way to “reboot” your brain. We know from brain science that stress, trauma, injury, or mental/physical unhealth can cause your brain (much like a computer) to become stuck or frozen over time. IASIS MCN is an evidence-based therapy that utilizes low energy impulses on the brain to disentrain or “unfreeze” it, so that you CAN begin to live a healthier and whole life. We like to say at ReThink that we are helping our clients move from a place of inability (I CAN’T) to a place of ability (I CAN).
Erin Krause
Iasis Micro Current Neurofeedback Certified Provider
Erin Krause has worked her entire 15 year nursing career in pediatric critical care. She is also a mom to four beautiful children both by birth and adoption. Erin and her husband, along with their kids, have welcomed several children into their home through foster care and long term respite. In all of her experiences at work and at home, Erin has seen and experienced the painful and long lasting effects of trauma and stress in a person’s life. These experiences have led her along a journey of understanding the brain more fully and finding helpful solutions for those around her who are feeling hopeless or at a loss for where to turn next.
Megan Thrush
Iasis Micro Current Neurofeedback Certified Provider
A wife, a mom, an athlete, a lover of coffee and frequent heart to heart conversations...
Received her masters in social work from Ohio State University with the goal of helping individuals, families and her immediately surrounding community to better realize healing and wholeness.
She has served since 2012 in residential treatment, intensive in home, private practice and medical settings including targeted work with cancer patients and end of life care.
In 2022 She was eager to further these ventures through becoming an IASIS provider. To Megan, this modality is a natural compliment to her skill sets and a seamless opportunity to make her values of healing and wholeness of mind more accessible realities. It is her belief that regardless of current place on the spectrum of mental, emotional, spiritual and bodily well being that IASIS can help move the needle toward a more whole overall functioning for all people. She is excited to offer this therapy to this community in the hopes that with each small change, our community will become healthier and more fully alive.
Hope Hutchins
asis Micro Current Neurofeedback Certified Provider
Hope is a registered nurse by trade who loves helping people and being involved in their healing journey. Outside of work, Hope is a wife and first time mom. She loves spending time with her family, especially when it can be outside enjoying the fresh air.
Rethink Therapy has offered Hope an even greater opportunity to be on the journey with those seeking healing and restoration in their lives. She finds that approaching brain healing in a natural way through IASIS MCN is powerful and effective! Hope finds so much joy in hearing the testimonies of each client she treats and sees her role at Rethink Therapy as a tremendous gift.
What to expect during a treatment:
No two brains are alike. Your treatment plan will be carefully considered based on your history and your responsiveness to each treatment.
Treatment provider
Erin is a certified IASIS MCN provider (ICP) by completing extensive training through the IASIS MCN practitioner program.
Applying the device
Small areas of your head and neck will be cleansed and prepared with conductive paste. Five small, lightweight electrodes will be placed on specific, prepared sites of your head/neck. Throughout the treatment, some of the electrodes will be moved to other sites around your head.
Length of session:
You can expect your initial visit to take 60-90 minutes as you discuss your history and plan with the certified provider. Each session thereafter will be 25-40 minutes in length from start to finish.
Response to treatment:
During your treatment, you will likely not feel anything from the electrodes. Within 24 to 48 hours after treatment, you will be asked to fill out an observation sheet where you can report symptoms of reactivity that could include feeling “wired”, tired, spacey, headache, or temporary increase of symptoms. It is important to remember a couple of things if you experience reactivity following a treatment. First, these symptoms are temporary and will likely not last longer than 48 hours. Second, reactivity to a treatment only means that the treatment is working! We like to say that with every reaction, there is a positive response to go with it.
Stay the course:
Initially you could be asked to come in two to three times a week for treatments. As your brain begins to regulate and you experience relief from symptoms for longer periods of time between treatments, your sessions will be spaced out more. Our main objective is to bring you to the leading edge of enduring and sustainable relief from your symptoms, and we will work hard to accomplish that within a reasonable amount of sessions (typically 12-20 sessions).